Blog Archives

A House Full of Crazy

I’ve been living in an apartment for the last one week with a bunch of five-six girls doing their own thing. It’s like America’s Next Top Model’s fashion house, except minus the glam-o-r-o-u-s. Sometimes it’s fun, but then obviously rthruyhtrjr.

Also, I’m still living out of my suitcase which makes me feel even more like a nomad, but it’s cool like that. Anyway my pizza’s on it’s way and I’m really not in the mood to live in an apartment with so many chicks. It’s alright for once, but I wanna get out of here, get my own place.


x EdgyShark x

Brass Rat Rings

Vora told me about these yesterday. Recall: Giggling on phone. Alright, not giggle, that’s like an insult to us econ-lovaahs.

And as far as I’m aware, Robert Downey Jr carries it off (and has been doing so since forever more) much like The Statue of Liberty carries off Staten Island. No Vora, I’m not going to copy this off your Things To Do Before I Die List because dating an MIT  guy and snatching his Brass Rat Ring in the process is your thing. And it’s the most innovative thing as far as commitment, for the sake of it, is concerned.



And yes, I wish you all the luck and very best in all your endeavours. But no, I can’t bring to you an MIT dude. I’m sure, you’re quite capable of doing that on your own.

Math-physics oriented men don’t cut it for me. There’s way too much scientific knowledge invloved, and very less creativity and innovation.

And also, there is the possibility of a heated argument which includes boolean variables and calculus. And all I’m going to be able to supply to my end of the rebuttal would include: “Ummm, I’m going to Barista to write my book. I’ll see you, maybe next year.”

And then run away.

More on this later, my lunch awaits me now. No Barista today, which would be like a broken record. Going to Tolly Club in the evening instead, after probably a decade.

Here’s hoping I’ll be satiated by the end of the evening.

x EdgyShark x

Waylaid Headache

The most absurd situations are enough to make me giddy in the head. I mean, happy. Today was a little too pathetic, what with me getting completely drenched in the rain and scouring the entire school campus for my eco-friendly bag and cellphone.

Because Mrs. R had called me and I had to rush five floors in a hurry. I love it when people appreciate your work at the end of the day. I’d had to stay back alone and work my butt off on the CII Project the day before, and I literally mean *my butt off*, and I wouldn’t have been able to take it if Mrs. R would have hauled me to make changes.

“Excellent presentation, I loved it and I’ve forwarded a soft copy to the head office.”

It’s a wonderful feeling when hard work pays off and you’re credited.

Although, I badly require a motivational drive right now. To sit and study. Terminals begin next Thursday. And an e-book reader and a touch phone. Also, a Romain Jerome to just look at, because I’m not going to be wearing such preciousness. Or maybe I might.

I hate it when you go offline and don’t reply to my IM’s.

After which you callously talk about Vertus and Ulysse Nardins. Uhh, I’m not supposed to care. And I don’t. *Desperately looks for that cynically reclused self.*

x EdgyShark x

The Need For Speed!

Somebody got their driver’s license today xD

And I’m happy for them too, since I’d have otherwise been at the receiving end of threats of the worst kind, and even Zeus (ZOOS) wouldn’t have been of any help.

Because apparently, here’s the story of how Syd had, in different circumstances, lost that permit. (Briefly speaking):

Well, I kept calling, and his cellphone kept vibrating or whatever in the middle of the driving test, and all the distractions made him bang a cab.

This is fun, feels great to know we’re all growing up. And I’d prefer if the process sped up even further =]

x EdgyShark x

P.S. You don’t look like Syd Barrett. He’s WAY hotter. (At least, here.)

Forrest Berries and Chad Wolf

A whole lot of crooning after and debating about whether Romain Jerome’s classier than Rolex, I fished down some cannelloni *Sin for the day committed* a few puchkas, although they weren’t even worth it, and then just enjoyed the drive back home listening to Carolina Liar.

Tomorrow’ll probably be more productive, so to speak.

x EdgyShark x

The 25th Evening of July

The Forbes ‘zine.
Fuschia Flower.
Marvolo’s Ring.
Walnut Muffin.
Hot White Shirt.
Silver Lead Pencil.
E51 i.
Gala Gala Million.


Sadistic, sharky, sarcastic, edgy, vampirish.
A brilliant evening.

x EdgyShark x